Quentin Colborn has an
extensive background in
Human Resources with experience gained
within Engineering, FMCG, Services and Insurance.
Is your business big enough to warrant having full time HR staff but not so big that you need
full time expertise for
senior specialist advice?
Quentin Colborn can help!
“Quentin has been a valuable contact for me and my team of employment lawyers; clients
to whom I have introduced Quentin have always been
very satisfied”
QC People Management Ltd Saccary House, Saccary Lane Mellor, Blackburn, BB1 9DL
Tel: 01254 800930
Today businesses, large and small, face the challenge of managing their staff.
Competitive pressures mean that the use of people needs to be efficient, while also retaining those people in a competitive labour marker. Added to that, employment law continues to develop and with it the need for ever more specialist advice and support in managing the people side of business.
Headed by Quentin Colborn, the business provides support across a wide range of people-related activities. Sometimes pure knowledge is not enough, support needs to reflect your needs and reflect what you want to do in your business. Our aim is to give you the benefit not just of deep technical knowledge, but also wisdom grown from years of experience.
Quentin’s style is very much one of commercial common sense, understanding that you need both expertise and an approach that ensures it works for your business environment.
Support can be provided on either: On a project basis | Ad hoc | As a continual background advisory service
– it all depends on what you need.

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